Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Ryan was 3 lbs. 1 oz. on April 14th. Since he is growing, feeding well, and reached 3 lbs., he is being fed in a different way.

He still has the feeding tube, but now instead of a steady feed all the time, he is being fed every 3 hours. They fill a large syringe with breast milk and the nurse holds it until he has eaten it and it is empty. This helps get him used to a regular feeding schedule and ready for breast feeding.

Lisa got to do skin-to-skin contact with Ryan and it went very well! She also got to feed him the breast milk!

Ryan is doing better with his breathing. He is having less apnea and bradycardia episodes. Also, his bone test came back from this week and his numbers have gone down which is exactly what we wanted.

Please continue to keep Ryan in your thoughts and prayers.

Lisa, Joey and Alec

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