Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Hi! Hope everyone is doing fine. We hope all the mom's had a wonderful Mother's Day. It's been a few days since we updated so here's what has been going on.

Lisa had a migraine on mother's day and didn't get to go to the luncheon at the hospital for the NICU mom's. Alec was sweet and gave her a gift he made at school - a coupon book for special things. Lisa's migraine wasn't as bad by night so she went up to see Ryan for a little while and had a nice visit.

Unfortunately, about 1 a.m. (Monday) Lisa woke up and couldn't breathe, had tightness in her chest, and was vomiting. Joey took her to the emergency room. Thankfully, she did not have a heart attack. They were also concerned it might be a blood clot, but that wasn't the case. However, her blood pressure was sky high and they gave her some medicine, watched her for a few hours and then let her go home. They really didn't give an answer, but thought that it definitely could be stress. She's fine now and following up with the OB and primary care physician.

Now about Ryan...... Monday night he weiged 4 lbs. 14 oz. He's gaining weight well, even though he's still on the diruetic. Can you believe he has gained over 3 lbs. since he was born? He'll be (a real) 5 lbs. before we know it!!!

He is getting better at bottle feeding. He is actually getting a "well" score instead of poor or fair. They will try to increase his feed schedule until he can do 8 bottles and/or breast feeds per day. Once he has reached this milestone he should be able to go home. Lisa is going to try to breast feed Ryan for the first time tonight.

We are hoping he will come home in two weeks (Yeah, I know we've said that before), but it is looking good. He will probably come home on oxygen and monitors. We don't know what that entails, but we'll get training and support.

Please continue to keep Ryan and Lisa, Joey and Alec in your thoughts and prayers!

Thank you to all for your support.

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